Love What IS

Many women often say ( not aloud but through their self- negative talk and behaviors) : "I'm not going to love myself until I lose this weight. "and they haven't been able to lose weight for 10,15,20 years. That has been 10-20 years of self-hate.

9 out of 10 women are in a relationship with their body that they hate8 out of 10 women are doing exercises they don't want to do. We use strategies of un-love with the belief that the result will be love. You can't hate yourself into a body you are going to love.

We place love in the future by depriving our bodies with diet, attacking our body when we look in the mirror or hate our body when we see it in the clothes we are wearing. Somehow we think if I hate my body enough, attack it enough, starve it with food, assault it with exercise and hate it when I look in the mirror, then that's going to result in me loving myself.

Whatever the road you take will be the road you arrive to!

We underestimate the power of LOVE in healing, weight-loss, body image and nourishment.

Love What Is! You are on a journey of self-discovery, learning how to love your body into its rightful shape... and So Am I!


Good Food and Bad Food... No Such Thing!

Good Food and Bad Food, No such thing! No food is morally good or morally bad. Food as an entity is neutral ( like a knife) Depends on how you use it.

Moralism around food creates suffering. When you say food is bad , there is a hidden unconscious message that gets communicated.  What we often hear is you are a bad person if you eat that bad food or I messed up, I just cant get it together and I can't...... ( fill in the blank).Yes, there are some foods that will detract from the health of your body. However, it still does not put it in the bad or good category of morality.

With this type of relationship with food we often create a good and bad food list in our mind. What happens when you eat one of the bad foods on your list? How is that internalized? What is your system of punishment ? ( skip meals, intense dieting, intense exercise, give-up, negative self-talk, judgment, shame, etc.)

Eat more quality food- The nutritional value of food is given in the nutrients in that food.Its the nutrients that give the value of that meal.

Can you begin to see food as neutral, and if you did what does that mean?

Transforming our relationship with food

Why Do We Have Seasons? NaTishia Aromire

Many people believe that seasons are determined by the Earth's distance from the sun, but that's not the case. The Earth's tilt creates the different seasons. In the summer, the land north of the equator is tilted toward the sun, so it feels warmer. In the winter, it's tilted away, so it feels colder.

Jesus is the Son , tilt a little deeper towards him and allow your season to change.

Don't Hurry, Don't Worry and Don't Compare!

Respect your own journey.

Another video from my YouTube archives. That speaks to where I am today. I pray you are blessed.

 I know there are aspects of our journey that we don’t like.  We often ask : Why me? How long? Why do I deserve this? How did I get here?  Is this really necessary?

If you feel you have to curse your journey or any part of it, you are  not allowing yourself to heal and  you won’t fully embrace the beauty that is you.

Be encouraged to know that in spite of what it looks and feels like right now, to get to where you want to be you are in the perfect place.


Stop the chatter in my head.

The more I live I realize my toughest life challenges are running on a loop. Just like a CD you can place a song on repeat, that is the same with some of the challenges we face. I am often challenged with the chatter that takes place in my head. Chatter that says : "Tishia you didn't do enough, Tishia, you could have done better, Tishia you should be further along, Tishia, why did you make that choice, Tishia you shoulda..., woulda... coulda...."   you could just fill in the blanks.

Today on my journey, I am learning how to encourage myself in the Lord. As part of that process, I have decided to go through my archives of YouTube videos of my journey over the past two years.

Check out the video the Lord helped me to rediscover. I  was inspired to share this message exactly one year ago today(Feb 25, 2014).  A timely word for me TODAY! Be Encouraged!  #Doingthework


10 Behavior Signs and Symptoms Of An Addict

10 Behavior Signs and Symptoms Of An Addict by NaTishia Aromire                                                                                                     

(The word substance  can be defined as, but not limited to:  food, chocolate, sugar, bread, sex, shopping, drug, purging, gambling, lying, stealing, alcohol, pills, exercise, gossip, TV, relationships, etc. )

1. An addict engages with the substance and cannot stop - at least one serious attempt was made to give up, but unsuccessfully. ( lose and gain, stop and start,  and often goes to extremes to try to stop)

2. Addiction continues despite health or emotional problem awareness - the individual continues taking the substance regularly, even though they have developed illnesses/problems linked to it. For example, diagnosed borderline diabetic,  nearly destroyed marriage, depression, loss of job, lack of finances, injury to the body, side effects, high blood pressure etc)

3. Maintaining a good supply - people who are addicted to a substance will always make sure they have a good supply of it, For example, Surround themselves around people who will enable their behavior or play the victim.

4. Taking risks  - in some cases the addicted individual may take risks to make sure he/she can obtain his/her substance, such as stealing , sneaking, hiding and lying,

5. Dealing with problems - an addicted person commonly feels they need their substance to deal with their problems. As a way of escape, release stress, feel empowered, to think clearly, to relax and to release frustration.

6. Obsession - an addicted person may spend more and more time and energy focusing on ways of getting hold of their substance. (Like planning when to have it, thinking about it, arranging schedules etc)

7. Secrecy and solitude - in many cases an addict may engage in their behavior  in secret, alone, no one knows, living  a double life, hiding in the car, cant share with your closest friends or even family, being sneaky, lie to cover up and appear all is well.

8. Denial - a significant number of people who are addicted to a substance are in denial. They are not aware (or refuse to acknowledge) that they have a problem.  common phrases-" I can stop, I just need the right diet, I just do it socially, its not that big of a deal, I don't need it, I just like it, I will stop when I'm ready,  It helps me relax,  It's my outlet, I'm not hurting anyone, I can treat myself sometimes, I'm not going to deprive myself, I barely have it, and I'm going to stop on Monday."

 9. Excess or consumption - in some cases the individual consumes it to excess.           ( binging, intense exercise, engages in behavior multiple times in a day or week, body and mind constantly craves, cant just have one etc)

10.Having stashes - the addicted individual may have small stocks of their substance hidden away in different parts of the house or car; often in unlikely places. ( other stashes:  cutty buddy phone list, password protected phone, or hiding place, using alias etc)






Look back over your Life!

Sometimes along  our journey we forget how far God has brought us because we are not where we want to be. My mind often wants to focus on how much more I have to do to accomplish things in my life, instead of praising God for where I am today.

The bible reminds us:

But we must hold on to the progress we have already made. (Philippians 3:16 NLT)

So, I had to go back in the archives and view a few videos. I can not see where I need to go if I can't see from which I came.  This video is the first video I taped when I began my physical journey. When I look at the Tishia in this video  I feel very optimistic. I feel very hopeful and empowered because it took a lot of courage for me to do something out of my comfort zone that day. Praise God that I am in a different place today, but  I know the physical, emotional  and spiritual  broken state I was in.   I am proud of her because on this day she realized that a Change of behavior produces Greater works.  I took action!

Whatever your journey, ( business, physical, financial, spiritual, emotional, relational, etc.) take a look back to see how far the Lord has brought you. Be encouraged!  If  God can bring you from there just buckle up for the next leg of the ride, it will blow your mind!!!!!!

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Here is where I was when I first started to make a change in my life. I stretched myself and walked for a good cause. I made an effort to do something different and little did I know that making that first step the Lord would lead me to my journey.

Eating Disorders are serious

Get the Facts


Anorexia Nervosa Statistics

Anorexia Prevalence

  • It is estimated that 1.0% to 4.2% of women have suffered from anorexia in their lifetime.[1]

Anorexia Mortality Rates

  • Anorexia has the highest fatality rate of any mental illness.[2]
  • It is estimated that 4% of anorexic individuals die from complications of the disease[3]

Access to Anorexia Treatment

  • Only one third of individuals struggling with anorexia nervosa in the United States obtain treatment.[4]


Bulimia Nervosa Statistics

Bulimia Prevalence

  • It is estimated that up to 4% of females in the United States will have bulimia during their lifetime[5].

Bulimia Mortality Rates

  • 3.9% of these bulimic individuals will die.[ 6]

Access to Bulimia Treatment

  • Of those practicing bulimia, only 6% obtain treatment[7].

Binge Eating Disorder Statistics

  • 2.8 % of American adults will struggle with BED during their lifetime. Close to 43% of individuals suffering from Binge Eating Disorder will obtain treatment[8].

Binge Eating Disorder Mortality Rates

  • 5.2% of individuals suffering from eating disorders not otherwise specified,[9] the former diagnosis that BED, among other forms of disordered eating) was included in under the DSM-IV) die from health complications.

Access to Binge Eating Treatment

General Statistics on Eating Disorders

  • Eating disorders are a daily struggle for 10 million females and 1 million males in the United States.[11]
  • Four out of ten  individuals have either personally experienced an eating disorder or know someone who has.[12]

Over a lifetime, the following percentages of women and men will experience an eating disorder:

Female Eating Disorder Prevalence Rates

  • .9% of women will struggle with anorexia in their lifetime
  • 1.5% of women will struggle with bulimia in their lifetime
  • 3.5% of women will struggle with binge eating


Male Eating Disorder Statistics

  • .3% of men will struggle with anorexia
  • .5% of men will struggle with bulimia
  • 2% of men will struggle with binge eating disorder [13]

Prevalence Rates of Eating Disorders in Adolescents


Student Eating Disorder Statistics

  • 50% of teenage girls and 30% of teenage boys use unhealthy weight control behaviors such as skipping meals, fasting, smoking cigarettes, vomiting, and taking laxatives to control their weight.[15]
  • 25% of college-aged women engage in bingeing and purging as a method of managing their weight.[16]

Prevalence of eating disorders among athletes

  • 13.5% of athletes have subclinical to clinical eating disorders[22]
  • 42% of female athletes competing in aesthetic sports demonstrated eating disordered behaviors[16]

Dieting Statistics and Prevalence

  • Over 50% of teenage girls and 33% of teenage boys are using restrictive measures to lose weight at any given time.[17]
  • 46% of 9-11 year-olds are sometimes, or very often, on diets, and 82% of their families are sometimes, or very often, on diets).[18]
  • 91% of women recently surveyed on a college campus had attempted to control their weight through dieting, 22% dieted often or always.[19]
  • 95% of all dieters will regain their lost weight in 1-5 years.[20]
  • 35% of normal dieters progress to pathological dieting. Of those, 20-25% progress to partial or full-syndrome eating disorders.
  • 25% of American men and 45% of American women are on a diet on any given day.[21]